Adv. Chirag Chotrani CS Executive Module- I & II Combo By Yes Academy (CS Vikas Vohra, Adv Chirag Chotrani, CMA Vipul Shah & CS Harish Mathariya) (New Syllabus) ₹22,998.00 CS Executive Module- I Combo By Yes Academy (CS Vikas Vohra, Adv Chirag Chotrani & CS Harish Mathariya) (New Syllabus) ₹12,999.00 CS Professional Module I & II All Subject Combo By Yes Academy (Including Intellectual Property Rights Law Practice) (New Syllabus) ₹21,999.00 CS Professional Module-II All Subject Combo By CS Vaibhav Chitlangia (New Syllabus) ₹9,999.00 CS Professional Module I Combo With Intellectual Property Rights & Law and Practices By CS Vikas Vohra, Adv Chirag Chotrani & CS Muskan Gupta (New Syllabus) ₹15,999.00 CS Professional Environmental, Social & Goverance, Principles & Practice By Adv Chirag Chotrani (New Syllabus) ₹6,500.00 CS Executive Setting Up Of Business Industrial & Labour Law By Adv. Chirag Chotrani (New Syllabus) ₹5,000.00 CS Executive Jurisprudence, Interpretation & Gen Laws (JIGL) By Adv. Chirag Chotrani (New Syllabus) ₹5,000.00 CS Executive Economic, Commercial & Intellectual Property Laws By Adv. Chirag Chotrani (New Syllabus) ₹5,000.00